Help Save Vision and Lower Costs with Diabetic Retinal Exams in Primary Care Settings
Description: Reach more patients, transform your primary careIn the face of growing demand for healthcare, you’re tasked with healthcare’s quadruple aim: improving patient experiences, clinician experiences, and business outcomes while lowering overall costs. When the way you deliver patient services constantly changes—and the demand for healthcare services increases—your clinical technology must also evolve to keep ahead and stay competitive.A turnkey solution from Hillrom and Microsoft can eradicate a leading cause of blindness in patients living with diabetes. Diabetic retinal exams—administered in a primary care setting—run on the power and security of Microsoft Azure for transmitting and storing images.In a new e-book from Hillrom and Microsoft, Save Vision, Lower Costs with Diabetic Retinal Exams in Primary Care Settings, you’ll discover how this powerful care-delivery model helps primary healthcare providers improve patient outcomes with vision-saving early detection exams—while improving bu
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