Description: IT organizations are often faced with an out-of-the-frying-pan situation of going from on-premises vendor lock-in to vendor lock-in on the cloud. Currently, 54% of IT pros cite data silos as an obstacle to gaining maximum value from data. Today, that’s proprietary applications or data warehouses. But tomorrow? You need the flexibility to shift quickly while staying compliant with your future needs. This is one reason an open source solution makes so much sense. As Michael Franklin, the Liew Family Chair of Computer Science and chairman of the department of computer science at the University of Chicago told the Harvard Business Review, “There is a conflict of interest where cloud providers want you to set up shop in their cloud and not leave. This adds huge risk to customers because they can find themselves at the mercy of a particular cloud vendor. The ability to move across vendors or to use multiple vendors at the same time is absolutely crucial.”
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